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Hey Guys, welcome to the new blog. Many people don't utilize their full potential in doing something and they try to achieve results. For achieving something, you always need to push your limits. You should learn to be limitless. Remove all your Limitations. Work Hard. So, stay connected and stay motivated. 


What are your limitations? Where does it exists? Is it where the sky ends or the sun dies ! Does your limitations end before you get up or it starts with the initiation of your failure or where you see an obstacle. You don't have any limitations. These exist only in your imaginations. Maybe the paths can become difficult at times but it does not define your limits.

 Your thoughts can run more than the speed of light. you can reach to the stations outside Earth. If your limitations exist in your imagination turn them upside down. Turn this negativity into positivity. Remove them from everywhere. Put the limits to your negativity underestimating you. You can change your story your future with just one decision taken in that one second. Don't put limits to your achievements put your limits on what's stopping you from achieving what you want. Decide it ! Yes decide it right now. Don't let the spirit in you die. You are a shooting star. You may fall, you may be dim sometime at some point. But you can't stop twinkling. Your distance, your size comparative to your aim doesn't matter, doesn't define you. Your brightness is what you are. Maybe, the intensity of your light low but you still possess a uniqueness use it to shine the brightest. Everyone is gifted with some talent. And it comes out one day. 

But you don't have any limitations. Yeah maybe your limits come to you when you lie 10 feets deep in the ground. Don't put limits to good things and may be when you lie n mix up with the soil, people would remember you for what you are ! But don't make your imaginations with your limits your weakness. Make it your way of producing your light. If your path gets block don't change your destination rather change your path. 

Have faith in you, your path and your destination. Meanwhile don't forget to be honest because evil eventually ends at last always and always. Limits always aren't bad. You just have to learn where to use and how to use them. Put your limits at wrong things not on what will stop you from putting you in the frame of achievements. So everything is good if you use it wisely. All depends on you. Your one decision your one second one minute one hour one day can change everything. DECIDE YOUR LIMITS YOUR WAY!


Friends, I hope you liked my Limitations blog. I hope after reading this you will be feeling motivated and now you will also work harder. Your limitations are your greatest enemy if they are in good things. So stay connected and stay motivated.
Limitations Limitations Reviewed by Shaurya on January 30, 2021 Rating: 5


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