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Don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try

Hey Guys, welcome to the new blog. There are many people around us who failed in doing something and after that they loose hope. this blog is for them only. I only want to tell those people that Don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try. I hope after reading this blog, you will feel motivated. So stay connected and stay motivated.

Don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try

You are here, right now, at this time because tomorrow you want to be somebody greater than who you are today. You see yourself succeeding, you have a vision, a dream. Congratulations,You already have ten steps before ninety-five percent of the world. Just think that Michael Jordan was scared of missing. He wouldn't shoot. Imagine Steve Jobs being afraid of people of disliking its product at that time it would not exist "Iphone". So ask yourself this, you want to be someone who is afraid of failing or you want to be a  person who loves success .
Don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try

Which will, you have to choose today. And I'll tell you one thing, one is failure and the other is success and if you love it, success exists and nothing can stop you .All of that the negative things people say will mean nothing. They will talk about how only 1% reach the top. Do you know something, only 1% stick with that firmness program long enough to see results, only 1% of relationships are attached to the end. That doesn't mean you have one percent chance, it means you can't behave like that ninety-nine percent. 

You'll have to do it something better than quitting the month from now on. Now, look closely at where you are,do you like ninety-nine percent of people around you and if yes then you are lost ,if you want to succeed. You must learn to love success so much  that you get up and  look for it. 

Fear of failure will not work whatever, in fact if you like success then start doing it, guess what will happen You will fail, yourself you'll fail ten times maybe or a thousand times but that's okay. Failure does not last forever, it falls, it's not permanent, you go back and move on and in this case you will be strong, intelligent and you will always be more widespread than ever.

And for every ten failures you get one success, you have to love success so much that 
you are determined to fail ten times before you can succeed once. That's what the winner does.


Friends, I hope you liked my Don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try blog. I hope after reading this you will be feeling motivated and this blog will bring some change in your life. Never ever be scared of failure, people fail but the person who heals from that failure and keeps trying is the real winner. Everyone has a ability to win. Your actions towards your goal determine that you will win or loose. So stay motivated.
Don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try Don't be afraid to fail be afraid not to try Reviewed by Shaurya on January 26, 2021 Rating: 5


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